Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Red Dot shortlists for next year! 2017-2018

Apologies for the delay, but at least we've managed to do this by early June.  Progress!

I've made a new Red Dot website -- see

The domain name -- -- hasn't been transferred to the new site yet, but should be working within a few days.  (For some reason, mapping a GoDaddy domain name to a Google Site is not an instant thing.)

I think we've got a good line-up and balance in the "baskets" of each category.  Go have a look.  Many thanks to the ad-hoc committee members who found time to meet up in the evenings and to read recommendations throughout the process.

For availability, see the Google Spreadsheet where we composed the shortlists -- and know that we will be adding other sources to that, e.g., usually Follett put the shortlists in Titlewave and Denise Tan from Closetful of Books will produce an order sheet.

The Readers Cup Reboot information will also be added to the Red Dot website in the near future.

Happy summer reading!